Get Rid of  Ant Infestations with Camden Pest Control’s Expert Ant Control Services in Camden!

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Ants are a common household pest that can quickly become a nuisance if left unchecked. Ants can infiltrate homes and businesses, searching for food and water, and can quickly establish large colonies in hidden areas. In Camden, ants are a common problem, and many residents and businesses turn to professional pest control services for assistance.

CamdenPest Control is a local pest control company that offers effective solutions for ant control in Camden. Their team of experienced pest control professionals has the knowledge and tools necessary to quickly identify ant infestations and develop a customized treatment plan to eliminate them.

The first step in ant control is to identify the species of ant causing the problem. Different species of ants have different habits, behaviors, and nesting preferences, and treating the wrong type of ant can be ineffective. Camden Pest Control technicians are trained to identify the specific species of ant causing the problem and develop a targeted treatment plan.

Once the ant species has been identified, Camden Pest Control will use a combination of baits, sprays, and dusts to eliminate the ants. Baits are used to attract ants to a poisoned food source, which the ants will then bring back to the colony, spreading the poison throughout the entire nest. Sprays and dusts can be used to treat cracks and crevices where ants may be entering or hiding.

CamdenPest Control also offers preventative treatments to help keep ants from returning. These treatments involve sealing cracks and gaps in walls, floors, and foundations to prevent ants from entering, as well as removing sources of food and water that can attract ants.

Overall, if you are dealing with an ant infestation in Camden, Camden Pest Control can help. Their professional and effective ant control services can eliminate ant colonies and prevent them from returning, helping to keep your home or business pest-free.

Mice Control Camden


The two types of ants most common to Camden are Pharaohs ants and garden ants. They are very different species and require different treatments.

The Pharaohs ant Workers are approx 1.5-2mm long, yellow-brown with brown abdomen with the males measuring 3mm long, black and winged the queens 3.5-6mm long, dark red in colour with wings and they have black eyes and 2 small segments at the pedicel.


Well defined trails are laid which are often associated with heating systems. The Pharaohs Ants feed indoors on high protein foods like meat, fats, blood and dead insects etc. New colonies are often formed through nests that have been disturbed e.g. as a result of insecticide spray treatments.

The Garden Ant in Camden is black in colour and has a segmented body. Workers are 5mm in length and the queen 15mm long. Nests are usually found in lawns, flower beds, underneath stones and paving slabs etc. also increasingly found in cavity walls and foundations of properties. Ants are social insects and several thousand may be present in a large nest.


During summer, large numbers of winged females and males are reared in the nest. On warm and humid days, normally between mid-July and mid-September they swarm out and take flight in Camden. Sometimes they all follow a trail inside premises and hundreds of them may appear in a few hours, causing distress to staff/residents.

Our team have many years of experience within the pest control industry and possess the knowledge and experience to help remove the problem safely, contact us and let our Camden staff eradicate your ant infestation.

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about ant control treatments in Camden

1. What types of ants are common in Camden?

  • Camden can be home to various ant species, but the most common ones include pavement ants, pharaoh ants, and black garden ants.

2. How can I tell if I have an ant infestation in my Camden home?

  • Signs of an ant infestation may include seeing ant trails, finding small piles of dirt or debris near entry points, or discovering ant nests in or around your property.

3. Are ants harmful to my health or property?

  • While most ants are not directly harmful to humans, they can contaminate food and surfaces. Some ants, like pharaoh ants, can carry disease-causing pathogens. Additionally, carpenter ants can damage wood structures.

4. Can I try DIY ant control methods in Camden?

  • DIY methods like ant baits and sprays can provide temporary relief, but they may not address the root of the problem. Professional ant control services in Camden are often more effective in eliminating infestations.

5. How do pest control professionals in Camden treat ant infestations?

  • Pest control experts typically use a combination of methods, including baiting, chemical treatments, and addressing the source of the infestation. The approach may vary depending on the ant species and the extent of the problem.

6. Is ant control safe for pets and children?

  • Pest control professionals use products and methods that are safe when applied correctly. They will provide guidance on precautions to take, such as temporarily relocating pets and children during treatments.

7. How long does it take to get rid of an ant infestation with professional treatments in Camden?

  • The duration of ant control can vary depending on factors like the ant species and the size of the infestation. Pest control experts will provide an estimate based on the specific situation.

8. Can ants return after treatment?

  • Ants can return if preventive measures are not in place. Pest control professionals often provide guidance on how to prevent future infestations, such as sealing entry points and eliminating food sources.

9. Are there eco-friendly options for ant control in Camden?

  • Some pest control companies offer eco-friendly or low-toxicity ant control options for those concerned about the environment and chemical exposure.

10. What should I do if I suspect an ant infestation in my Camden property?

  • If you suspect an ant infestation, it’s advisable to contact a reputable pest control service in Camden for a thorough inspection and tailored treatment plan.

Dealing with an ant infestation in Camden can be challenging, but professional pest control services can help you effectively address the issue and provide guidance on preventing future ant problems.